Con esto de que VANIA-DEL-MAL se va al Caribe y no sabemos si regresará “la gueya”, sentimos un vacío que llenaremos con chelas de LAHIJADELOSAPACHES.
Todo cambia, nada permanece, todo deviene diría el buen Heráclito, no te puedes bañar dos veces en las mismas aguas del río, y es hora de que la VANIASIX se bañe en aguas caribeñas, bueno, por lo menos que ya se bañe la cochina. Cabe mencionar que seguiremos contando con el análisis puntilloso, la crítica demoledora de politóloga y el buen gusto de VANIA-MALDOSA, que es parte fundamental del proyecto MALIGNO de LARUTADELMAL.
En otro orden de ideas –jaja-. LARUTADELMAL abre a partir de la próxima semana la convocatoria para toda aquélla reinita de barrio que quiera tirar maldad constantemente con nosotros, pero sobre todo que quiera y pueda dar muchos puntos.
Pues nos despedimos por hoy, dejándoles unos discos de una buena banda gringa de punk-hardcore-rock llamada: NO USE FOR A NAME.
You Bug Me 7” – 1988
1 Know it all
2 You bug me
3 Shotgun
4 Looking through a window

Incognito – 1990
1. DMV
2. Sign The Bill
3. It Won’t Happen Again
4. Hail To The King
5. Weirdo
6. Truth Hits Everybody
7. Felix
8. Noitall
9. I Detest
10. Puppet Show
11. Record Thieves
12. Power Bitch

Let Ém out ep Stevo – 1990
1 It wont happen here
2 Born to hate
3 Pacific Bell
4 Record Theives

Don't Miss The Train – 1992
1. Born Addicted
2. Thorn In My Side
3. Looney Toon
4. Tollbridge
5. Hole
6. Another Step
7. Don't Miss The Train
8. Watching
9. Punk Points
10. Tan In A Can
11. Death Doesn't Care
12. Get Out Of This Town

Daily Grind – 1994
1. Until It's Gone
2. Old What's His Name
3. Permanent Rust
4. Biomag
5. Countdown
6. Hazardous To Yourself
7. The Daily Grind
8. Feeding The Fire

Leche Con Carne – 1995
1. Justified Black Eye
2. Couch Boy
3. Soulmate Download
4. 51 Days
5. Leave It Behind
6. Redemption Song
7. Straight From the Jacket
8. Fields of Agony
9. Fatal Flu
10. Wood
11. Alone
12. Exit

Making Friends – 1997
1. The Answer Is Still No
2. Invincible
3. Growing Down
4. On The Outside
5. A Postcard Would Be Nice
6. Secret
7. Best Regards
8. Revenge
9. Sidewalk
10. 3 Month Weekend
11. Sitting Duck
12. Fields Of Athenry

More Betterness – 1999
1. Not Your Savior
2. Life Size Mirror
3. Chasing Rainbows
4. Lies Can't Pretend
5. Why Doesn't Anybody Like Me?
6. Sleeping In
7. Fairytale of New York
8. Pride
9. Always Carrie
10. Let It Slide
11. Six Degrees From Misty
12. Coming Too Close
13. Saddest Song
14. Room 19

The new red archives years – 2000
01. Truth Hits Everybody
02. Noitall
03. I Detest
04. It Won't Happen Again
05. Puppet Show
06. Thorn in My Side
07. Tollbridge
08. Another Step
09. Don't Miss the Train
10. Get Out of This Town
11. Death Doesn't Care
12. DMV [Live]
13. Born Addicted [Live]
14. Hail to the King [Live]

Live In A Dive – 2001
1. Intro - Cécile Hicot
2. Invincible
3. Coming Too Close
4. Chasing Rainbows
5. On the Outside - Karina, No Use for a Name
6. Straight from the Jacket
7. Soulmate
8. Not Your Savior
9. Don't Miss the Train
10. Justified Black Eye
11. Gene and Paul, I Hate You Most of All and Ace, You're the Ace and Peter
12. Sara Fisher
13. Room 19
14. Answer Is Still No
15. Martian
16. Hail to the King
17. Feeding the Fire
18. Exit
19. 6 Degrees from Misty
20. Redemption Song

Hard Rock Bottom – 2002
1. Feels Like Home
2. International You Day
3. Medicated Murder
4. Dumb Reminders
5. Any Number Can Play
6. Friends Of The Enemy
7. Angela
8. Let Me Down
9. This Is A Rebel Song
10. Solitaire
11. Undefeated
12. Insecurity Alert
13. Nailed Shut

Keep Them Confused – 2005
1. Part Two
2. There Will Be Revenge Buy
3. For Fiona Download Watch Buy
4. Check For A Pulse
5. Divine Let Down
6. Black Box
7. Bullets
8. Failing Is Easier (Part Three)
9. Apparition
10. It’s Tragic Buy
11. Killing Time
12. Slowly Fading Fast
13. Overdue

All The Best Songs – 2007
1. International You Day
2. Justified Black Eye
3. Coming Too Close
4. Invincible
5. Dumb Reminders
6. Fatal Flu
7. Life Size Mirror
8. On the Outside
9. Soulmate
10. Let Me Down
11. Permanent Rust
12. Chasing Rainbows
13. Not Your Savior
14. Black Box
15. The Answer Is Still No
16. Straight From the Jacket
17. Any Number Can Play
18. For Fiona
19. The Daily Grind
20. Let It Slide
21. Feeding the Fire
22. Part Two
23. Growing Down
24. Exit
25. History Defeats
26. Stunt Double

The feel good record of the year – 2008
01-Biggest Lie
02-I Want To Be Wrong
03-Yours To Destroy
04-Under The Garden
05-Sleeping Between Trucks
07-The Feel Good Song Of The Year
08-The Trumpet Player
09-Night Of The Living Living
11-Pacific Standard Time
12-The Dregs Of Sobriety
13-Kill The Rich
14-Take It Home

3 comentarios:
Quiero que quede acentado, que en ningun momento deseo sustituir a la Vania hija del mal... perdón, del mal [nada más] sería imposible, pero pues de ser posible me gustaría ser autopostulada pa' ser la nueva posteadora: reinita de barrio, versión burguesa!
¿qué dicen? jejejeje
Por mí está perfecto. Pero le prueba de admisión será con unos tragos enfrente.
ademàs me tiene q superar en lo borracha!!!
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